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PK Vesta announces the order of the pre-engineered vegetable storehouse in David-Gorodok, Belarus

PK Vesta announces the order of the pre-engineered vegetable storehouse in David-Gorodok, Belarus


PK Vesta announces the order of the pre-engineered vegetable storehouse in David-Gorodok, Belarus (Series INDI - 24W х 36L х 6.6H). Considering the farm expansion a client decided to build a new steel vegetable storehouse this summer. Unlike the frameless technologies a client was more inclined to increasing the agricultural production capacity inside a building.

For a steel building a cold-formed light-weight framing (S350, Ist grade of zinc coating, 275 gr/sq.m.) was chosen in order to minimize the foundation work and transportation costs. The columns consist of the paired C-shaped cold-formed profiles. Above the classical cold-formed trusses are chosen. The load-bearing structure is framed by the nonflammable sandwich panels (150 mm for a roof and 120 mm for a wall). All fittings and fasteners are included into a building kit, which is produced fully at one factory in Tula, Russia.

PK Vesta serves clients worldwide via the innovative and patented online platform WebSteel, allowing pricing and designing a great variety of pre-engineered steel buildings online.

PK Vesta announces the order of the pre-engineered vegetable storehouse in David-Gorodok, Belarus
PK Vesta announces the order of the pre-engineered vegetable storehouse in David-Gorodok, Belarus
PK Vesta announces the order of the pre-engineered vegetable storehouse in David-Gorodok, Belarus
PK Vesta announces the order of the pre-engineered vegetable storehouse in David-Gorodok, Belarus
PK Vesta announces the order of the pre-engineered vegetable storehouse in David-Gorodok, Belarus
PK Vesta announces the order of the pre-engineered vegetable storehouse in David-Gorodok, Belarus
PK Vesta announces the order of the pre-engineered vegetable storehouse in David-Gorodok, Belarus
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