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Administrative buildings
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Brick factory
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Buildings for an oil refinery
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Buildings for Condensing Power Plant
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Cement factory
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Chemical production plant
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Electrical equipment storage
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from ...../m2 without VAT
from ...../m2 without VAT
Food production plant
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Gas Processing Plant
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Gas station
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from ...../m2 without VAT
Industrial building
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Logistic complex
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In modern industrial construction, many advanced technologies are used for the construction of structures. One of the most popular today is modular and pre-egnineered. It is successfully used in the construction of facilities for various purposes:

  1. Industrial premises,

  2. Warehouses

  3. Industrial refrigerators,

  4. Premises for repair, maintenance and storage of vehicles,

  5. Administrative, commercial, domestic buildings.

The industrial company PK Vesta offers a variety of services in the field of construction of prefabricated buildings:

  1. Design. We individually approach the design of each object. Offering one of the three possible technologies (INDI, Z-Top or combined), we take into account various parameters: the specifics of the customer’s business, the features of the proposed technical equipment, the surrounding landscape, and the architectural solution. We proceed from the budget determined by the client. We have many developments - standard designs, drawings, diagrams, which have proven their performance over many years of operation. They help us save time and money for our customers, reducing some stages of work.

  2. Production of prefabricated structures at your own enterprise. Our production is equipped with innovative equipment. We work only with high-quality, safe and environmentally friendly materials that meet all industry standards.

  3. Transportation of the kit of the future structure to the assembly site. The capacity of one truck is 300 square meters. m of sandwich panels and about 14 tons of metal.

  4. Assembly of the building. The object is assembled, like a constructor, directly in place. Our employees work accurately and harmoniously, so the building grows in a matter of weeks.

The fast-built industrial buildings and constructions favorably differ from capital constructions. Their cost is significantly lower than buildings erected according to classical technologies. They win in terms of time. All this makes them attractive for modern business.

We carry out the construction of industrial buildings using three technologies:

1. INDI series. A welded beam is used as the base element. Such projects involve any number of floors and spans. The maximum period for their implementation is 1.5 months. Objects combine reliability, durability and resistance to external factors.

2. Z-Top Series. The main material is a galvanized profile. Frame industrial buildings for standard designs are erected in a month. Small structure up to 100 square meters. m team of specialists from 10 people will gather and do it in 10 days.

3. The combined type in which welded beams and a galvanized profile are used.

The price of industrial buildings from metal structures is formed from several components. We strive to choose an option for each customer, combining the optimal technical parameters and cost. When designing industrial buildings from sandwich panels, office premises and production can be provided as part of a single project. Also, if necessary, equipment is installed at the facility for moving bulky goods weighing up to 50 tons. When installing industrial buildings, internal load-bearing columns are not used. This allows you to optimize the use of space.


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