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Sheep farm
from ...../m2 without VAT
from ...../m2 without VAT
Shrimp farm
from ...../m2 without VAT
from ...../m2 without VAT
Vegetable storage
from ...../m2 without VAT
Wine farm
from ...../m2 without VAT
Сrayfish farm
from ...../m2 without VAT

Advantages of farms from metal structures

In order to turn livestock into a commercially successful project, it is important to choose the appropriate material and technical equipment. Prefabricated steel farms are a practical solution for creating conditions conducive to the humane keeping of cattle, and suitable for businesses of all sizes. Normally in many international markets, the construction of livestock farms and complete complexes for cattle is carried out. After all, all animals need proper care, and the conditions for their maintenance must comply with zoohygienic requirements. Entrepreneurial activity, built on disregard for the rules of farming, is doomed to failure. The use of sheds, corrals, garages and other inappropriate facilities for livestock raising increases the risk of epidemics within the livestock and, as a result, affects the profitability of the business. The construction of farms that meet the requirements for lighting, temperature and other parameters allows you to create favorable conditions for animals.

The construction of mini-farms is the best solution in cases where there is no need for huge areas for comfortable placement of livestock. With the help of prefabricated structures, it is possible to implement projects for the construction of farms of any scale with minimal financial and temporary investment. Another advantage of sandwich panel trusses is mobility. If necessary, they can be dismantled and transported anywhere. Thus, you get rid of binding to a specific place, as is the case with capital facilities. This flexibility provides the farmer with additional benefits and the ability to quickly solve production problems.
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